- He loved to potter around in the garden .
- 他喜欢在花园里做点琐碎事。
- Rowling 's harry potter series was published by scholastic in the united states bloomsbury in britain and other publishers around the world .
- 罗琳的哈利波特系列丛书由美国的学术出版社,英国的布卢姆斯伯里出版集团以及世界上其他的一些出版商出版。
- No-no mrs. potter fires people for fooling around with clients .
- 不行的跟客户鬼混会被波特太太开除。
- Just as potter 's millions of readers around the world were determined to believe in her version of what animals do when no one is looking so potter herself was adamant that her particular version of england 's agrarian past was the
- 就像世界上无数波特小姐的读者相信当无人打扰时那些小动物的生活就如波特小姐在故事书中描绘的一样,波特小姐也坚决的地认为英格兰古老的土地最应该需要拯救。
- Potter lifted his face and looked around him with a pathetic hopelessness in his eyes .
- 他抬起头,绝望而可怜地向周围环视了一下。
- Harry potter 's opening simultaneously in ten thousand theaters around the world . Fantastic four 2is coming . Why didn 't they call it fantastic five ?
- 哈里波特下一集将在全球数万家影院同时上映,神奇四侠2马上也来了。为什么不改名神奇五侠?
- His annual income is $ 25 million all of you know the harry potter series was a huge success the whole series earned around $ 5 . 4 Billion .
- 丹尼尔的年平均收入为2千5百万美元,《哈利波特》系列电影的成功众所周知,这部系列电影共圈钱54亿美元。
- Jobs though is harry potter without the fantasy : insufferably arrogant capable of inflicting damage around him that couldn 't be wished away and ultimately unable to master death .
- 然而,乔布斯只不过是没有魔法的哈利波特:他有着令人难以忍受的傲慢脾气,给周围人带来了无法磨灭的伤害,并且最终无法逃过死亡。
- J.k. rowling even met queen elizabeth ii last year safe in the knowledge she was probably more wealthy than her highness a harry potter fortune estimated at around $ 1 billion .
- 罗琳去年甚至还晋见了女王伊丽莎白二世,确知自己可能比女王还要富有,藉由哈利波特而坐拥据估计达十亿美元的财富。